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Hurt & Poor

Street Youth

We reach out to the youth who are homeless & wandering on streets with love and compassion, aiming at their rehabilitation and helping them to live a transformed & dignified life. 

We meet them, give food, 


Welcome them to YDC space as a transit home 

And as we come to know their back stories, counsels and helps them to join a training course (skill set) which they are interested in. All this takes a due course of 9 months and as they are ready with the skill, encourages to go back to their home town and be re-united with their families, either immediately after completion of course, or after working for a while in Hyderabad.

Few of our Street youth stories

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Girish Rawat

As a boy, Girish had a dream of joining the Indian army. Girish comes from the state of Uttarakhand. Alcoholic father, an abusing uncle and a growing Grirish became an alcoholic addict himself. Girish left his family and landed on the streets. Travelling from city to city, he searched for love, comfort and contentment in alcoholism and a carefree street life, but could not find any. He walked in to YDC program at Nampally, Hyderabad and YDC helped him to join a carpentry course, which he successfully completed.

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Girish is now working and earning his livelihood and looking forward to go back to his home town.



Sunny alias Venkatesh was brilliant in studies right from his childhood but the sudden death of his father, changed his life. His mother married a person from a religion different to religion different to theirs. The stepfather's hateful treatment and physical abuse, in turn developed hatred towards his mother and the concept of family at the tender age of 8. He ran away from home, grew up in street homes in Delhi​ and eventually landed on the streets of Hyderabad. YDCs approach and love caused him to join the rehab, which is more of a family environment filled with love, that changed his life altogether. YDC helped him to get acquire training in AC and Refrigeration mechanism.

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Today Venkatesh is living with a hope standing on his own with dignity



Vishwanath an orphan from a tender age was given shelter by his uncle. He was helping and learning gold smith work at his uncle's gold shop. Uncle's friend forced Vishwanath to rob gold from his uncle's shop, after he did, they ran away with gold leaving him alone in the park. Shattered and hurt as he was, YDC staff picked him up from the park in the year 2006 and encouraged him to join the rehab program. He was put in school for one year to pick up language, as he was illiterate, later YDC helped him to join a tailoring course. ones completing the course, he was helped to join work with one of the contacts of YDC who has his boutique in upscale society.

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Now Vishwanath is married and living a decent life. 

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